Restoration Programme
We are appealing for support from our London parishioners and our worldwide community to help us begin proposed restorations, now being planned for our Späth Organ, currently compromised by its layout and access, and our glazing, where maintenance treatments have been advised, primarily for the south side windows. St Etheldreda’s Church, Ely Place, London is a Grade I listed building dating back to c.1300. It was much restored during the nineteenth (George Gilbert Scott Jnr.) and twentieth (Sir Giles Gilbert Scott) centuries, and again following bomb damage during the second world war. The stained glass all dates to the 1950s and 1960s, with the east window by J.E. “Eddie” Nuttgens (generally regarded as his finest work). Specifications and quotes for these new restorations have been drafted by Barley Studio (Design and Mastery in Stained Glass, since 1973) and Harrison & Harrison Ltd (for the Späth Organ).
Click here if you would like to donate to our restoration programme!